Saturday, January 23, 2010


But not goodbye forever.
As many of you have learned during the last week, Nathan and I have returned to the United States. While this may come as a sudden surprise for many of you, it was a decision that we gave much prayer and thought. We had a wonderful time in Togo - as I know you have discovered by following my blog - but the time to leave had come. Living in Togo was a struggle and a blessing at the same time. We left sad to leave all of our friends and our home. But we are ready for our next adventure in the United States. Here are a few pictures from our last weeks. We are so glad our parents were able to come and share our Togo experience. We have memories that will most definitely last a lifetime. So I'm signing off for now...Thanks as always for your love and support!

Second to last night in village...The students gave us a going away dinner and dance. As you can, the girls were very sad :-(

Yvetter, our host mother in the compound

Exploring Lome with our parents

New Years Day in village...we had a party!

Nathan and I dancing with villagers. They insisted on lifting us above their heads. Scary but wonderful!


Rev. Jeremy Smith said...

Welcome back! Hope your trip home is easy and I'm looking forward to cheap phone calls with you!

Anonymous said...

hope your time in Togo was fruitful for you. We just got here las tweek on the hospital ship Africa Mercy, and i had a few questions about the Lome are. If you're free, could you email me? 123Cujo at

Anna said...

These are beautiful photos! I realize you are not in Togo anymore, but I have a dear friend who is. I hope to visit someday. Cheers!